Journalmaker Technology

HTML/CSS Standards

We have striven to make Journalmaker compliant with the WWW Consortium's evolving official specifications. At this time we use < !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "" > as our current (2018) target. We make no particular effort to be at the leading edge; we prefer that most things work predictably given our client base of relative novices.

You can test the quality of encoding for any page. (Test this page with the link at right; substitute other pages' URLs.) Although the basic encoding will always pass muster, certain user-configurable settings and/or content, such as non-Western characters, can cause a few interactive features to fail on some rather esoteric technical factors mostly of interest to overpaid, under-worked EU bureaucrats with too much time on their hands and to the most geeky of WWW aficionados. Of course we cannot assure that all user-provided HTML within content will pass muster; that is up to you and your staff, whom we can train. The most common "failure" comes from inclusion of inline style>" tags; although these are considered bad form, they do make life easier for people who care more about function than form.

We also facilitate the use of alternate media for the physically impaired. For example, almost anywhere you can upload an image, we provide a place to type content for an ALT tag that can be read by browsers for the visually impaired.

We recommend that you always check your pages in several browsers on all major platforms. HTML and CSS are best understood as suggestions, not commands, and browser makers do not implement all options in the same way.

'Just behind the state of the art'

If you are looking for the latest whizbang or to be buzzword compliant you may search in vain among the standard feature set. However, almost any content can be embedded by means of a text component and suitable CSS adjustments.

Systems Integration

Depending on the technology of your established publication, we may be able to integrate Journalmaker with your pre-existing newspaper or magazine, or we may be able to help you to automate the sharing of data between our systems and yours. This must be done in consultation with your data management team and requires extensive consultation, which is not included in our standard implementation package.